Back & Joint Pain

Extensive, in-depth back and joint pain information relating to new developments (traditional and alternative), clinical trials, research, rehabilitation and pain management.

Your favourite Topical Pain Reliever

Your favourite Topical Pain Reliever

There is a multitude of topical pain relieving creams and gels on the market today and finding one that works for you can be a bit of a mind field. ...

Research shows effectiveness of hypnosis to treat back pain

Research shows effectiveness of hypnosis to treat back pain

Recent international research has compelling evidence that clinical hypnosis may be a viable way to treat back pain. The research has found that hypnosis is a safe, low-cost treatment, and...

Have you tried music therapy for pain management?

Have you tried music therapy for pain management?

Doctors and alternative therapists have long believed that music has the power to heal. In fact, Harvard Health suggests that music therapy is helpful for improving management and treatment of...

Pain and ageing: Getting older doesn't mean we need to live with pain

Pain and ageing: Getting older doesn't mean we need to live with pain

The Sunday Express newspaper from the UK has reported an unsettling trend where mature persons are choosing to delay medical treatment for pain for more than a year - specifically...

Exercise for joint pain: how to make it part of your weekly routine

Exercise for joint pain: how to make it part of your weekly routine

Is exercise part of your weekly routine? If you are suffering joint pain, then it should be. Exercise makes your body stronger, more flexible, better able to balance, energises you...

Manage your mobility and live life on your own terms

Manage your mobility and live life on your own terms

Staying in good health as you age depends a lot on your level of mobility - your ability to perform complex movements that integrate the musculoskeletal, sensory and neural feedback...

From the bottom up: problems caused by flat feet and how to resolve them

From the bottom up: problems caused by flat feet and how to resolve them

Feet are the stabilisers of the body. They are the foundation on which we stand. They are made up of 26 bones, and 100 different muscles from our toes to...

Diagnosing back pain

Diagnosing back pain

There is a lot more to back pain than pulled muscles. Back pain is the fastest growing disability in the western world, affecting 1.8 million Australians, and incidence are only expected to...

Does pain really increase with cold weather?

Does pain really increase with cold weather?

Do you remember your grandparents ever telling you that it was about to rain, not because the weather report, but because they felt the coming rain in their bones? Feeling...

Brain training being tested as a revolutionary treatment for back pain

Brain training being tested as a revolutionary treatment for back pain

A Sydney-based research organisation named Neura is behind a trial aiming to test whether brain training is an effective treatment for back pain. Aptly named, RESOLVE, this medical trial is testing...

Australian researchers closer to interrupting chronic back pain

Australian researchers closer to interrupting chronic back pain

Researchers at Sydney’s Royal North Shore hospital are moving closer to interrupting chronic back pain with an exciting new innovation, which is currently in trial stages. The trial centres on the...

Standing versus sitting: how to do these basic human movements the right way

Standing versus sitting: how to do these basic human movements the right way

Standing versus sitting: there's an argument for both when it comes to the management of your back or joint pain. Research supports that standing is better than sitting. But if...

Parenting with chronic pain

Parenting with chronic pain

Parenting is a physical job that doesn’t care if mums and dads have back pain. Parenting with chronic pain is a serious problems, especially for mums - with post-pregnancy pain and...

Combat back pain with meditation

Combat back pain with meditation

Imagine having the power to reduce your own pain levels! A study written about in Scientific American shows Buddhist Monks well practiced in meditation are actually able to control the...

New methods for diagnosing back pain

New methods for diagnosing back pain

A new study unveiled in January 2016 by the Arthritis Research & Therapy Journal has found a fast, effective way to identify the root cause of lower back pain with...

New Australian research shows depression can cause back pain

New Australian research shows depression can cause back pain

Research results just released from the University of Sydney shows that depression can cause back pain. This new research uncovers a deeper level of the relationship between pain and depression...

Here’s what you can do to avoid and manage joint pain

Here’s what you can do to avoid and manage joint pain

Joints can be a really big pain. They swell up, ache and hurt. Not so long ago joint pain was an “old person” problem. But not anymore. With longer lifespans...

Why ‘text neck’ and back pain is a real thing

Why ‘text neck’ and back pain is a real thing

We used to worry about our kids getting 'square eyes'. Now, it's 'text neck' - and the side effects for posture and back pain are alarming.  As you are reading...

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